Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Go Green Club starts small, thinks big, By Nicky Landry

The Go Green club is trying to raise money by collecting bottles and find new ways to recycle and save energy. Its ultimate goal is to save the planet.

Every Friday the Go Green club goes to every class and picks up bottles during lunch and roundtable. This helps with recycling and raising money.

Members of the Go Green Club talk about fund-raising, projects to help the environment, and how to use their revenue for those projects. The meetings usually run for about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how many kids show up, how many bottles have been collected, and how many ideas the kids have.

The Go Green Club needs your ideas. This  is a great place to share your ideas and thoughts about how you can make the school a lot more “green.” If you would like to get involved with the program so you can help too, you can start by helping the Go Green Club collecting bottles on Fridays. You could be saving the environment, and just you and a few of your friends could be a big part in saving the world.  See Ms. Smith in teacher pod D204 for details.

Right now the club is still in the brainstorming stages. Last year they recycled bottles and decorated a Christmas tree with helpful tips on how to save the environment.

Go Green is a start for tackling some really important environmental issues in the world such as  global warming and lack of public transportation.

This club is a great way to get together with some of your peers and talk about better ways to save our planet, and other ways to save energy. If you just want to help out a little  you cans start small by recycling papers that you don’t need anymore, or just putting your used bottle in recycle bin. Just by doing that you can help out a great amount with saving the Earth. If you think these simple acts can change the world, then the Go Green Club is right for you. If you're into more talk than action, then show up for Go Green Club meetings and share.

Check out http://www.worldwatch.org/resources/go_green_save_green if you want to get some great ideas about how to go green.  Get a bunch of friends together and you could be a huge part in saving your school, neighborhood, and even the world!

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